/* ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. */The directory manager generates directory listings for FTP and HTTP requests. This module contains the protocol independent code and it produces the HTML object. It is only included if either the FTP or the File module is included.
This module is implemented by HTDir.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.
#ifndef HTDIR_H #define HTDIR_H #include "HTReq.h" #include "HTIcons.h"
is set then the Description
field is added as the last column in the listing. File descriptions
are queried from the HTDescript
module. Make a full mask by adding/oring the following flags:
typedef enum _HTDirShow { HT_DS_SIZE = 0x1, /* Show file size using K, M and G? */ HT_DS_DATE = 0x2, /* Show last modified date? */ HT_DS_HID = 0x4, /* Show hidden files? */ HT_DS_DES = 0x8, /* Show descriptions? */ HT_DS_ICON = 0x10, /* Show icons? */ HT_DS_HOTI = 0x20 /* Are Icons hot or cold? */ } HTDirShow; typedef enum _HTDirKey { HT_DK_NONE = 0, /* No sorting */ HT_DK_CSEN = 1, /* Case sensitive */ HT_DK_CINS = 2 /* Case insensitive */ } HTDirKey;
extern BOOL HTDir_setWidth (int minfile, int maxfile);
extern BOOL HTDir_setWidth (int minfile, int maxfile);
typedef struct _HTDir HTDir; extern HTDir * HTDir_new (HTRequest * request, HTDirShow show, HTDirKey key);
extern BOOL HTDir_addElement (HTDir *dir, char *name, char *date, char *size, HTFileMode mode);
extern BOOL HTDir_free (HTDir * dir);
#endif /* HTDIR */