/* ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. */These are routines for local file access used by WWW browsers and servers.
This module is implemented by HTFile.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.
#ifndef HTFILE_H #define HTFILE_H #include "HTProt.h" extern HTProtCallback HTLoadFile;
typedef enum _HTDirAccess { HT_DIR_FORBID, /* Altogether forbidden */ HT_DIR_SELECTIVE, /* Only if "selfile" exists */ HT_DIR_OK /* Directory reading always OK */ } HTDirAccess; #define DEFAULT_DIR_FILE ".www_browsable" /* If exists, can browse */ extern HTDirAccess HTFile_dirAccess (void); extern BOOL HTFile_setDirAccess (HTDirAccess mode);
typedef enum _HTDirReadme { HT_DIR_README_NONE, HT_DIR_README_TOP, HT_DIR_README_BOTTOM } HTDirReadme; #define DEFAULT_README "README" extern HTDirReadme HTFile_dirReadme (void); extern BOOL HTFile_setDirReadme (HTDirReadme mode);
#endif /* HTFILE_H */