/* ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1996. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. */
A MIMEParseSet
associates simple and regex MIME header tokens
with parsers. Regex tokens are stored in a list,
while simple tokens are stored in a hashed list for quick access.
This module is implemented by HTMIMPrs.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.
#ifndef HTMIMPRS_H #define HTMIMPRS_H #include "HTHeader.h"
The HTMIMEParseSet contains all registered MIME parses. There are regex parsers, which are stored in a list of HTMIMEParseEl, and simple (no wildcards) parsers stored in a hashed array of lists of HTMIMEParseEl.
typedef struct _HTMIMEParseEl HTMIMEParseEl; struct _HTMIMEParseSet { int size; HTMIMEParseEl ** parsers; HTMIMEParseEl * regexParsers; }; #define MIMEParseSet_NULL {0, NULL, NULL}
The following methods are available for this HTMIMEParseSets:
extern HTMIMEParseSet * HTMIMEParseSet_new(int hashSize); extern HTMIMEParseSet_deleteAll (HTMIMEParseSet * me);
Register a Header parser to be called if we encounter the token in the protocol response. Tokens can contain a wildcard '*' which will match zero or more arbritary chars.
extern HTMIMEParseEl * HTMIMEParseSet_add (HTMIMEParseSet * me, const char * token, BOOL caseSensitive, HTParserCallback * callback); extern HTMIMEParseEl * HTMIMEParseSet_addRegex (HTMIMEParseSet * me, const char * token, BOOL caseSensitive, HTParserCallback * callback); extern int HTMIMEParseSet_delete (HTMIMEParseSet * me, const char * token);
Find HTParserCallback
which matches the string.
extern int HTMIMEParseSet_dispatch (HTMIMEParseSet * me, HTRequest * request, char * token, char * value, BOOL * pFound);
#endif /* HTMIMPRS_H */