/* ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. */
This module defines the read and write functions to and from the network. As we are having reentrant function and a smarter network I/O this will get very small :-)
This module is implemented by HTMux.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.
#ifndef HTMUXCHANNEL_H #define HTMUXCHANNEL_H typedef struct _HTMuxChannel HTMuxChannel; typedef struct _HTMuxSession HTMuxSession; typedef struct _HTMuxProtocol HTMuxProtocol; typedef unsigned char HTMuxSessionId; #include "HTMuxHeader.h" #include "HTChannl.h" #include "HTHost.h" #define INVSID 0 /* Invalid session id */ #define INVPID 0 /* Invalid protocol id */
extern HTMuxChannel * HTMuxChannel_new (HTHost * host); extern HTMuxChannel * HTMuxChannel_find (HTHost * host); extern BOOL HTMuxChannel_delete (HTMuxChannel * me); extern BOOL HTMuxChannel_deleteAll (void); extern HTNet * HTMuxChannel_net (HTMuxChannel * me); extern HTMuxSession * HTMuxChannel_findSession (HTMuxChannel * me, HTMuxSessionId sid); extern HTMuxSession * HTMuxChannel_findSessionFromNet (HTMuxChannel * me, HTNet * net); extern HTHost * HTMuxChannel_host (HTMuxChannel * muxch); extern int HTMuxChannel_sendControl (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTMuxSessionId sid, HTMuxHeader opcode, int value, const void * param, int param_size);
typedef enum _HTMuxClose { MUX_S_END_READ = 0x1, MUX_S_END_WRITE = 0x2, MUX_S_END = 0x3 } HTMuxClose; extern HTMuxSessionId HTMuxSession_accept (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTNet * net, HTProtocolId pid); extern HTMuxSessionId HTMuxSession_connect (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTNet * net, HTProtocolId pid); extern int HTMuxSession_close (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTMuxSessionId sid); extern HTMuxSession * HTMuxSession_register (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTMuxSessionId sid, HTProtocolId pid); extern HTMuxSessionId HTMuxSession_id (HTMuxSession * session); extern HTProtocolId HTMuxSession_pid (HTMuxSession * session); extern HTNet * HTMuxSession_net (HTMuxSession * session); extern BOOL HTMuxSession_setClose (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTMuxSession * session, HTMuxClose close); extern int HTMuxSession_credit (HTMuxSession * session); extern BOOL HTMuxSession_setCredit (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTMuxSessionId sid, int credit); extern int HTMuxSession_fragment (HTMuxSession * session); extern BOOL HTMuxSession_setFragment (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTMuxSessionId sid, int fragment);
extern BOOL HTMuxProtocol_add (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTProtocolId pid, const char * protocol); extern BOOL HTMuxProtocol_delete (HTMuxChannel * muxch, HTProtocolId pid);