/* ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. */
This module is the private part of the response object. It has the functions declarations that are private to the Library and that shouldn't be used by applications. See also the public part of the declarition in the HTResponse Module.
This module is implemented by HTResMan.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.
#ifndef HTRESMAN_H #define HTRESMAN_H #include "HTResponse.h" #include "HTList.h" #include "HTFormat.h" #include "HTAnchor.h" #include "HTMethod.h" #include "HTAABrow.h" #include "HTStream.h" #include "HTNet.h" #include "HTMIMPrs.h"
When a request is handled, all kinds of things about it need to be passed along together with a request. It is intended to live as long as the request is still active, but can be deleted as soon as it has terminated. Only the anchor object stays around after the request itself is terminated.
struct _HTResponse { int hash;
If we get a redirection back then we return the new destination for this request to the application using this anchor.
HTAnchor * redirectionAnchor; /* Redirection URL */
If we get a response back saying that we have to retry the request after a certain amount of time then add this information here. Libwww does not retry the request automatically - this is for the application to do.
time_t retry_after; /* Absolut time for a retry */
The challenge
and the credentials
entries are use
by the authentication parsers and generators respectively.
char * realm; /* Current realm */ char * scheme; /* Current scheme */ HTAssocList * challenge; /* Challenge received in response */
This association list is a list of the connection control directives that have been received in the response.
HTAssocList * connection;
These association lists contain the information that we have received in PEP headers in the response.
HTAssocList * protocol; HTAssocList * protocol_info; HTAssocList * protocol_request;
This association list is a list of the cache control directives that have been received as part of the response. We also keep track of whether the response si cachable or not.
BOOL cachable; BOOL cached; /* If anchor has inherited lists */ HTAssocList * cache_control;
We may get a partial response in which case we register the received ranges of the resource.
HTAssocList * byte_ranges;
The response may be a negotiated response in which case we wanna know. This has significance for whether the object is cachable or not.
HTAssocList * variants;
We register the content length as thjis is of importance to all responses. The content length is a common way to figure out how many bytes we can expect.
long int content_length;
The Content type is important to know as we set of the stream pipe and do the format conversion.
HTFormat content_type; HTAssocList * type_parameters; /* Type parameters (charset etc.) */
We register the content-encoding as it may affect the stream pipe as we set it up.
HTList * content_encoding;
The transfer encoding is likewise important when we set up the stream pipe.
HTEncoding transfer_encoding;
We store the original headers as they may become useful in many ways - for example in lazy parsing.
HTAssocList * headers;
}; /* End of definition of HTResponse */
End of Declaration
#endif /* HTRESMAN_H */