/* ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. */This version of the stream object is a hook for clients that want an unparsed stream from libwww. The HTXParse_put_* and HTXParse_write routines copy the content of the incoming buffer into a buffer that is realloced whenever necessary. This buffer is handed over to the client in HTXParse_free. See also HTFWriter for writing to C files.
#ifndef HTXPARSE_H #define HTXPARSE_H #include "HTStream.h" #include "HTReader.h" #include "HTReq.h" typedef struct _HTXParseStruct HTXParseStruct; typedef void CallClient (HTXParseStruct * me); struct _HTXParseStruct { CallClient *call_client; int used; /* how much of the buffer is being used*/ BOOL finished; /* document loaded? */ int length; /* how long the buffer is */ char * buffer; /* storage in until client takes over */ char * content_type; HTRequest * request; /* the request structure */ }; extern HTConverter HTXParse; #endifEnd of declaration