The source code of the [GEMOC Studio]( is currently spread among different git repositories in Eclipse organization.
This project relies on the presence of the correct git repositories (cloned with the correct name) to locally build a working studio.
First checkout the git repositories :
git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone
Note: the repositories must keep their names (Ie. do not change the destination folder name) as the maven pom file expects to find them at specific locations.
Generate the protocols code
cd gemoc-studio-modeldebugging/protocols/generators/ts/JSONSchema2APIProtocolGenerator npm run build npm run generate
Then compile the Eclipse Studio using maven:
cd gemoc-studio/dev_support/tycho_full_compilation mvn package -Dmaven.repo.local=$PWD/localm2
We use one options:
: use a folder called localm2 to cache all the external dependencies of the studio, instead of using the user local maven repository. Since the GEMOC Studio a full eclipse package and has around 1GB of dependencies, this avoids using this much space in a hidden folder of the user home dir.
If you prefer to use your own local maven repository (ie. in <HOME>/.m2/repository), remove the use of -Dmaven.repo.local
, ie. use this command:
mvn package
If you already compiled and resolved all dependencies at least once (ie. if you filled your local maven repository with everything
needed for the build), add the option -o
to perform an offline only build, which is significantly faster since it skips checking all maven repositories online.
In the end, the result can be found in gemoc_studio/gemoc_studio/releng/org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.product/target/products/
, with one studio zip per platform.
The build also assemble complementary results:
- an update site, available in
- an archivable version of the web help; available in
You can save some time on the compilation in development mode using some of the following options of the mvn command line:
-P !plantuml
disabling this profile will disable plantuml image generation of the documentation (cf. test_linux
this profile will compile only the linux version of the studio (or-P test_win64
for windows cf. !../../gemoc_studio/tests/,!../../gemoc_studio/tests/
do not launch system tests (but still create the full studio)--offline
offline, (useful if you already have a full successful build that has installed all required dependencies in your local maven repository-DskipTests=true
do not launch unit tests
The current versio compiles using Java11 and Java FX. You need to indicate the location of javafx using an environment variable JAVAFX_HOME indicating the location of your java fx installation.
If you have trouble to reproduce a bug in the CI or want to make sure that the CI will pass, you can run the maven build in a docker that mimic the CI environment.
To do a full build using docker: go to the docker folder (/gemoc-studio/dev_support/full_compilation/docker), then call the command
docker-compose down && docker-compose up
docker build -t "gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest" .
Changes commited in master branch are automatically built and deployed on docker hub:
A standard full build is done using the command:
docker run -it -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 --user 1000 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest ./
- $PWD/../../../.. points to the root containing all gemoc sources
- --user 1000 makes sure to use your user uid (use
id -u
or `echo $UID`to get yours user uid if this isn’t 1000)
note: you must create the $PWD/cache-m2 folder before launching the docker command in order to avoid permission issues.
Once the full compilation has been done at least once (ie. and filled the m2 cache), you can run the system test only using the command
docker-compose run gemoc_full_compilation system_test_only
Or you can run a full build but including only the linux variant using:
docker run -it -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 --user 1000 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest ./ linux
docker-compose run gemoc_full_compilation linux_offline
docker-compose run gemoc_full_compilation linux_no_system_test
docker-compose run gemoc_full_compilation linux_no_system_test_offline
The Dockerfile defines a docker image based on ubuntu 16.04 with maven, oracle java8, xvfb, and graphviz. It embeds an script that calls the maven command.
The docker-compose.yml will mount the folder containing all gemoc repositories (ie. the place where you’ve done git clone
It also mounts a cache-m2 folder in order to speed up the compilation.
The docker-compose command is more or less equivalent to:
docker build -t gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest . docker run -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest
Then you’ll have to manually prune unused containers after usage.
If for some reason you wish to access it interactively you can use the following command:
docker run -it -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 --user 1000 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest /bin/bash
Some of the components provided as part of the GEMOC Studio are now available as pomfirst. This means that the jar are compiled and provided using maven dependency system (while the Eclipse studio is compiled using manifest dependency information using tycho).
Only a subset of the components are provided as pomfirst. You can still use them in your pomfirst build but will need to rebuild the dependencies for maven. (You can also open a request for a given jar you may require).
The source code of the [GEMOC Studio]( is currently spread among different git repositories in Eclipse organization.
This project relies on the presence of the correct git repositories (cloned with the correct name) to locally build a working studio.
First checkout the git repositories :
git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone git clone
Note: the repositories must keep their names (Ie. do not change the destination folder name) as the maven pom file expects to find them at specific locations.
Generate the protocols code
cd gemoc-studio-modeldebugging/protocols/generators/ts/JSONSchema2APIProtocolGenerator npm run build npm run generate
Then compile and install the pomfirst component:
cd gemoc-studio/dev_support/pomfirst_full_compilation mvn install
Most of the pomfirst component are completely recompiled from the same sources as their tycho equivalent but using maven dependencies instead of platform target. This is NOT only a repackaging of the .class and ensure that the dependencies are all defined.
They typically use maven-resources-plugin
to copy the java sources.
is a convenient central place to compile all of them across the GEMOC repositories in one command.
The continuous integration of the project uses an integration repository with git submodules in order to have a complete build
Some synchronization jobs allow to automate the management of the git submodules. It uses a branch naming schema in order to automatically associate branches having the same names. (it uses See the readme in for links to the synchronization jobs.
This is the official continuous integration for preparing new official releases.
- : Integration repository (with sub modules) containing the branches that will be built.
- : Jenkins build for all branches of GEMOC projects in github Eclipse organisation
In order to prepare pull request, even if you aren’t an official eclipse commiter, if you wish to have a CI support to make sure that your contribution will work smoothly before proposing it to Eclipse organization, you can ask to be part of the GEMOC initiative.
This initiative manages a fork of Eclipse GEMOC projects and a dedicated CI working on these forked repositories.
The forked repositories are hosted in the organization. The associated CI is hosted by one of the initiative partner at
It works using the similar synchronization jobs as the main Eclipse integration.
As its goal is to help prepare pull request to the official repositories, the master branches of the community repositories are automatically synched using Eclipse repositories master branches.
- : Integration repository (sub modules) for the community
GEMOC addons mecanism is the simpliest way to contribute new features to GEMOC. Most of the features in GEMOC have been developed using it.
Basically, it uses Eclipse plugin extension point in order to provide additional feature to an existing engine.
The main extension point is org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_language_workbench.engine_addon
which allows to declare a new class that implements the IEngineAddon
Minimal steps to get an addons:
- Create a plugin project (or contribute to an existing one)
- In the MANIFEST.MF or plugin.xml editor, open the extensions tab, Add, uncheck "Show only extension from the required plugins", search for "gemoc" and select the
extension point, accept to add the dependency to the plugin. (see Figure 62, “New Extension for Engine Addon screenshot”) - add an addon entry in the extension point (see Figure 63, “EngineAddon extension point details screenshot”) provide a name and a description that will help the end user to know if she wish to enable the addon or not in the launch tab when configuring her model execution.
- Create the class implementing org.eclipse.gemoc.xdsmlframework.api.engine_addon.IEngineAddon (a click on Class*: in the extension editor allows to open a wizard that simplify this task)
- you can now override any of the default methods of the interface (cf. Figure 56, “Execution Framework API Interfaces overview”). If the user select the addon in the launch tab, these methods will be called by the engine.
An Engine addon may be generic and apply to any language, but it can also be language specific. In that case, you should prefer to add its code in the project containing the dsl file of the language and declare it in the plugin.xml.
This way, the addon will be available only for this specific language.
This can be useful in order to create language specific GUI (with input/output) and complex model animation. (see Section 3.2, “Define an animation representation using an engine addon”)
In the extension declaration, setting Default to true will activate the addon by default when creating a new launch configuration. The user is still able to disable the addon manually.
The calls from the engine to the methods of IEngineAddons block the model execution. Thus, except if this is the expected behavior, the addons should avoid to do complex/long running/blocking task directly in the
For a given notification to IEngineAddon (for example aboutToExecuteStep), the order of calls to all registered addons is by default not ensured.
However, an addon can declare some EngineAddonSortingRule in order to indicate if the addon mus be called before or after another addon for a given EngineEvent.
The other addon can be identified either via its id or any tag that has been associated to it.
When starting a model execution the console logs some informations about which addon has been enabled and when each addon will be called compared to other addons.
The implicit GemocDebug addon is in charge to lock the execution when it receives a pause command. Addons that displays some information on the UI may wish to be called before it in order to make sure to provide updated information.
This snippet show how to add a rule that enforce this.
public class MyAddon implements IEngineAddon { @Override public void aboutToExecuteStep(IExecutionEngine<?> engine, Step<?> logicalStepToApply) { // do some refresh action } @Override public List<EngineAddonSortingRule> getAddonSortingRules() {ArrayList<EngineAddonSortingRule> sortingRules = new ArrayList<EngineAddonSortingRule>(); sortingRules.add(new EngineAddonSortingRule( this, EngineAddonSortingRule.EngineEvent.aboutToExecuteStep, EngineAddonSortingRule.Priority.BEFORE, Arrays.asList(IGemocDebugger.GROUP_TAG)));
return sortingRules; } }
create a rule to ensure good behavior with GemocDebugger. The debugger addon will stop the execution in this event, this make sure to be called before it in order to properly do the task (refresh the view, save info, etc) |
use the group tag so this rule will work with any GemocDebugger implementation. |
See Section 3, “GEMOC framework” for more details about the extension point and other supported features.
As seen in Figure 49, “Components overview”, the framework is organized in several layers. The most complete layer is the GEMOC Framework which offers most of the advanced features. Thus, implementing an engine for a new technology consist in 2 main parts:
- implementing subclasses for the classes from XDSML Framework in order to have the part dedicated to the Language Workbench,
- and implementing subclasses for the classes from Execution Framework in order to have the part dedicated to the Modeling Workbench
The GEMOC documentation (this document) structure is designed to:
- allow both online and eclipse help output,
- display an outline that helps organizing contributions,
- maintain the documentation sources as close as possible of the documented element in order to associate documentation commits to the code commits,
- use a rich but human readable syntax,
- ease modification.
As it supports include directives, we chose Asciidoc syntax with the appropriate tool chain.
Some of the diagrams are generated using plantuml.
The document is organized as follow:
- one master.asciidoc document that contains the main outline and use
directive in order to embed all the chapters and sections. ( -
included sections are spread across the repositories according to their content
- files named
* headContent.asciidoc
are headers of a chapter/section defined in master.asciidoc, the other files are contributions to a chapter/section. - sections related a specific user interface are located in a docs folder directly in the corresponding plugin. (ex: description of a wizard to be included in the user guide)
- sections related to a component are stored in a docs folder next to the plugins, tests and, releng folders (ex: sections for the Developer Guide)
- general sections are located in folders in
- files named
one pom.xml which allows to build the whole document. (
- It also takes care to generate the png images from the plantuml sources. To achieve this, it first copies all images folders from included sections.
In order to ease modifications, every files must start with a footnote allowing to retrieve the source file in the git repositories.
To edit the documentation we recommand the use of plantuml eclipse plugin and eclipse asciidoc editor . You can install them in an Eclipse using either the market place or the following update site:
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